This set consists of the Showroom Ad-Flag Pole {EZ823} and the Showroom Ad-Flag Base and are specifically designed for use with a Showroom Ad-Flag Flag {EZ821} or as replacement parts for the Showroom Ad-Flag Kit {EZ820}.
Pole info: Made from special state-of-the-art lightweight material guaranteed not to break, this Flag Pole is easy to move and bends at the top to provide a unique, eye-catching, curved look. The two piece design of the Pole allows for quick and easy assembly.
Base Info:Made of polished steel, the four legged Base is extremely durable and sturdy. Completely portable, it is heavy enough that it will not tip over but not so heavy that it cannot be easily moved. One piece construction incorporates specially designed spindle that allows the Showroom Ad-Flag Flag to swivel.
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